Science Archives - Achievers Section Keep Learning Fri, 14 Jun 2024 17:55:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Science Archives - Achievers Section 32 32 Science Olympiad Class 2: Quiz 1 Tue, 13 Feb 2024 09:50:55 +0000 Welcome to the Science Olympiad Class 2 Quiz ! A science quiz is an effective way to generate curiosity in kids and make learning a fun activity. For the preparation of various competitive exams, it is very important for the students to know General Science Questions so that they can score full marks. Here are […]

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Welcome to the Science Olympiad Class 2 Quiz !

A science quiz is an effective way to generate curiosity in kids and make learning a fun activity.

For the preparation of various competitive exams, it is very important for the students to know General Science Questions so that they can score full marks.

Here are the selective and important Science Olympiad class 2 quiz questions and answers for all types of competitive exams.

Test your knowledge of science facts by taking our 15-questions quiz.

Let the quiz magic unfold! Good luck, and may the quest for knowledge be ever in your favor!

science olympiad quiz
Which part of the spinach plant do we eat?

Fruits, vegetables and nuts are ---------which protect us from diseases.

While working in the kitchen we should avoid wearing clothes made of certain fibers. Identify the fabric which is most dangerous in the kitchen:

What we should do to keep ourselves healthy?

In which season people wear raincoat?

Sense to touch tell us:

Complete the series given below: AAZ, BBY, CCX ____

What is the boiling point of water?

Which animal from the below option is best adapted to the desert?

Where does our food get collected after chew and swallow it?

How much water is in the human body?

Which part of the bird lets it fly high in the sky?

Which organ covers the entire body and protects it?

Which of these living beings lives on land and water both?

Dark rain clouds can give out lightning and ____.

Benefits Of The Science Olympiad:

  1. With the growing nature of change, the world has something new to offer every alternative day, and Olympiad provides a way to stay in touch with those updates.
  2. Science Olympiads are designed with updated questions from every science field to test the science of a student at an advanced level
  3. This kind of exam aims to check the student’s problem-solving skills, analytical skills, quantitative reasoning, etc..

Learn More : Click Here

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Amazing Science Facts Tue, 16 Jan 2024 12:52:11 +0000 Amazing Science Facts Table Of Content HUMAN BODY FACTS BIRD FACTS ANIMAL FACTS EARTH FACTS THE SUN FACTS THE SPACE FACTS Amazing Science facts for children can boost critical thinking skills by fostering inquiry and logical reasoning. Children are encouraged to analyze information and make evidence-based conclusions while engaging with scientific concepts. Science facts can […]

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Amazing Science Facts

Table Of Content

Amazing Science Facts

Amazing Science facts for children can boost critical thinking skills by fostering inquiry and logical reasoning. Children are encouraged to analyze information and make evidence-based conclusions while engaging with scientific concepts. Science facts can spark curiosity and help develop well-rounded individuals in young learners.

It could be interesting to learn and fun to know some of the Facts of Science. Here we have listed for you some Amazing Science Facts about various different topics. 


1. Noses and ears never stop growing.

2. Your brain has around 100 billion nerve cells.

3. Your mouth produces almost 1 litre of saliva everyday.

4. Infants blink only once or twice a minute while adults average around 10.

5. The brain cannot feel pain.

6. Your brain is at times more active when you’re sleeping than when you’re awake.

7. Your left lung is about 10 percent smaller than your right lung.

8. If all of your blood vessels were laid end to end, they would circle the Earth at its widest point, the equator, four times.

9. Babies don’t shed tears until they’re at least one month old.

10. The middle fingernails grow faster than the other fingernails.


11. Only hummingbirds can fly backwards.

12. A flamingo can only eat when its head is upside down.

13. Birds don’t have teeth .

14. Birds are great communicators.

15. The largest bird in the world is the ostrich.

16. A group of birds is called a flock.

17. here is only one poisonous bird in the world – the Hooded Pitohui of Papua, New Guinea.

18. Parrots are the only birds that can pick food (and objects) with their feet and bring it up to their mouth to eat.

19. Pigeons can recognize humans.

20. Many bird species migrate across the world, traveling thousands of kilometers


21. Elephants are the only animal that can’t jump.

22. Horses and cows sleep while standing up.

23. Rats are ticklish, and they laugh when they are tickled.

24. Goats and sheep don’t have any teeth on their upper jaw, only a row of lower teeth.

25. Cheetah are the fastest land animal in the world, which can run at up to 112 kilometres per hour.

26. An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.

27. Dogs can see better when the light is low.

28. Gorillas can catch human colds and other illnesses.

29. The blue whale weighs as much as 30 elephants.

30. Giraffes have purple tongues.


31. Earth has just one Moon. It is the only planet to have just one moon.

32. Only 3% of Earth’s water is fresh, and 97% of it is salty.

33. We live on the thin outer layer of the Earth that is Crust.

34. Earth shape is not a perfect sphere, because the middle of the Earth or the equator bulges out slightly due to the spin of the Earth.

35. One kilogram of Earth’s seawater can contain an average of around 35 grams of salt.

36. Earth is the fifth largest planet in our Solar System.

37. Earth is approximately 149.6 million km away from the sun.

38. Earth is the only planet among the other eight planets that support life.

39. Earth is 4.543 billion years old.

40. Earth is the only planet that mankind didn’t name after a God.


41. The sun is about 93 million miles from Earth.

42.1 million Earths could fit inside the Sun! It’s huge!

43.Our Sun is a yellow dwarf star.

44. The Sun is a colossal ball of helium and hydrogen gas and is the heaviest body in our Solar System.

45. It takes 8 minutes and 20 seconds for the sun’s light to reach Earth.

46. If you flew to the Sun from the moon in a normal aeroplane, it would take about 20 years!

47. The Sun’s gravity holds our entire solar system together.

48. Without the energy of the Sun, there would be no seasons and no life on Earth. So Sun is our life-giver.

49. Its Energy is produced from the Fusion of Hydrogen into Helium.

50.  It has spots. The sun’s surface is covered in dark spots, which are actually cooler areas where magnetic fields are twisting and preventing heat from escaping.


1. The first person to go to space was a man called Yuri Gagarin. He was from Russia.

2. it is completely silent in space, There is no way for sound to travel.

3. There are billions of galaxies in space, which contain billions of stars and planets.

4. It is estimated that there are an infinite number of stars in the universe.

5. Mercury & Venus are the only 2 planets in our solar system that have no moons.

6. The solar system is estimated to be around 4.57 billion years old.

7. Footprints left on the moon won’t disappear as there is no wind.

8. There are more volcanoes on Venus than any other planet in our solar system.

9. The International Space Station is the largest manned object ever sent into space.

10. Only 5% of the universe is visible from Earth.

scientific facts are based on exhaustive research, experiments, and observations that have been tried and tested.

These are just some of the many amazing and incredible science facts that kids can learn about. It helps them to understand the world around them, and inspires curiosity and creativity.

After all, the journey of discovery is never-ending, and there’s always more to learn, question, and explore. So, encourage your child’s curiosity and help them to discover the amazing world of science today.

For more videos visit our Achiever’s Section YouTube Channel.

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Science Olympiad Class 1: Quiz 3 Thu, 11 Jan 2024 16:30:43 +0000 Welcome to the Science Olympiad Class 1 Quiz ! A science quiz is an effective way to generate curiosity in kids and make learning a fun activity. For the various competitive exams, it is very important for the students to know General Science. Here are the selective and important Science  questions and answers for all […]

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Welcome to the Science Olympiad Class 1 Quiz !

A science quiz is an effective way to generate curiosity in kids and make learning a fun activity.

For the various competitive exams, it is very important for the students to know General Science.

Here are the selective and important Science  questions and answers for all types of competitive exams.

Test your knowledge of science facts by taking our 15-questions quiz.

Let the quiz magic unfold! Good luck, 

Science class 1 quiz
Select the incorrect statement regarding the safety rules that we should follow while riding in a car?

Living things need _____ to grow and survive.

Select the incorrect statement out of the following

Which of the following makes the air dirty?

_____ covers major parts of Earth.

What is the most important thing needed in a first aid box?

Which of the following animal is flesh eater?

From which of the following animal we get wool?

What part of the body helps you move?

Dark rain clouds can give out lightning and ____.

Which is the largest land animal?

When you push something, you apply ____.

Where does our food collect after we chew and swallow it?

A tall building has many house in it. These are called ________ .

We cook our food in the _______.

Benefits Of The Science Olympiad:

  1. With the growing nature of change, the world has something new to offer every alternative day, and Olympiad provides a way to stay in touch with those updates.
  2. Science Olympiads are designed with updated questions from every science field to test the science of a student at an advanced level
  3. This kind of exam aims to check the student’s problem-solving skills, analytical skills, quantitative reasoning, etc..

We have specially made available the National Science Olympiad Practice Paper and NSO Question Paper to help the students prepare. This site will ensure that you are provided with Science Olympiad class 1 all the advanced levels of various materials, and assistance in solving them.

Learn More: Click Here

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Science Olympiad Class 1: Quiz 2 Thu, 11 Jan 2024 11:03:17 +0000 Welcome to the Science Olympiad Class 1 Quiz ! A science quiz is an effective way to generate curiosity in kids and make learning a fun activity. For the various competitive exams, it is very important for the students to know General Science. Here are the selective and important Science Olympiad class 1 quiz questions […]

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Welcome to the Science Olympiad Class 1 Quiz !

A science quiz is an effective way to generate curiosity in kids and make learning a fun activity.

For the various competitive exams, it is very important for the students to know General Science.

Here are the selective and important Science Olympiad class 1 quiz questions and answers for all types of competitive exams.

Test your knowledge of science facts by taking our 15-questions quiz.

Let the quiz magic unfold! Good luck, and may the quest for knowledge be ever in your favor!

Science class 1 quiz
What do you use to see things that are very far away in the sky?

What do we call the tiny drops of water on grass in the morning?

Which bird can swim?

Which part of the plant is below the ground?

Which is used to make tires, erasers and balloons?

Which of the following is a farm animal?

Which animal has a trunk and a tusks?

From where do we get wood?

What Part of a plant produces new seeds?

What part of plant do we eat?

What is the name of the natural phenomenon that causes flashes of light and loud noise in the sky?

What is the name of the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth?

How does a spider catches its food?

Which of the following activities does not require air?

Which of the following statements is not correct about storm?

Benefits Of The Science Olympiad:

  1. With the growing nature of change, the world has something new to offer every alternative day, and Olympiad provides a way to stay in touch with those updates.
  2. Science Olympiads are designed with updated questions from every science field to test the science of a student at an advanced level
  3. This kind of exam aims to check the student’s problem-solving skills, analytical skills, quantitative reasoning, etc..

We have specially made available the National Science Olympiad Practice Paper and NSO Question Paper to help the students prepare. This site will ensure that you are provided with Science Olympiad class 1 all the advanced levels of various materials, and assistance in solving them.

Learn More: Click Here

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Science Olympiad For Class 1: Quiz 1 Thu, 11 Jan 2024 08:54:32 +0000 Welcome to the Science Olympiad Class 1 Quiz ! A science quiz is an effective way to generate curiosity in kids and make learning a fun activity. For the various competitive exams, it is very important for the students to know General Science. Here are the selective and important Science Olympiad class 1 quiz questions […]

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Welcome to the Science Olympiad Class 1 Quiz !

A science quiz is an effective way to generate curiosity in kids and make learning a fun activity.

For the various competitive exams, it is very important for the students to know General Science.

Here are the selective and important Science Olympiad class 1 quiz questions and answers for all types of competitive exams.

Test your knowledge of science facts by taking our 15-question quiz.

Let the quiz magic unfold!

Good luck, and may the quest for knowledge be ever in your favor!

Science class 1 quiz
What is defined as the day to day change in the atmosphere?

Find the odd one out.

Out of these which one belongs to the same category as human?

Which of the things does not belong to the group?

All living things ____________ and get bigger.

Pick a man made non- living thing.

A bird’s body part that assists in flying?

Cow is a ____.

Which of the following material provides the maximum level of transparency?

At what temperature a normal water Freezes?

We can clap by our____.

Which of the following statement is correct?

What do bees collect from flowers?

We get eggs and meat from _______.

What do you use to measure time?

Benefits Of The Science Olympiad:

  1. With the growing nature of change, the world has something new to offer every alternative day, and Olympiad provides a way to stay in touch with those updates.
  2. Science Olympiads are designed with updated questions from every science field to test the science of a student at an advanced level
  3. This kind of exam aims to check the student’s problem-solving skills, analytical skills, quantitative reasoning, etc..

We have specially made available National Science Olympiad Practice Paper and NSO Question Paper to help the students prepare.

This site will ensure that you are provided with Science Olympiad class 1 all the advanced levels of various materials and assistance in solving them.

Learn More: Click Here

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Science Olympiad Class 3, Level 2 Fri, 15 Dec 2023 09:07:00 +0000 Achiever Section provides the practice papers for the National Science Olympiad (NSO) for Class 3, level 2 in this article. There are 15 important Science Olympiad class 3 level 2 questions covered in this article. Throughout this practice paper, you will encounter a variety of questions. Answer Key Level 2 practice paper 1. Which of […]

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Achiever Section provides the practice papers for the National Science Olympiad (NSO) for Class 3, level 2 in this article.

There are 15 important Science Olympiad class 3 level 2 questions covered in this article. Throughout this practice paper, you will encounter a variety of questions.

Level 2 practice paper

1. Which of the following plants have very thin and weak stems, and requires support to grow?

A. Coriander                                  
B. Money plant
C. Potato
D. Beetroot

2. Which of the following measures would help to check the spread of diseases like malaria and dengue?

1.Drains carrying dirty water should be covered.

2. House should have proper ventilation and a courtyard.

3. Mosquito repellents should be used.

4. Doors and windows should be fitted with wire – netting.

A. 1 & 3 only
B. 2 & 3 only
C. 1,3 & 4 only
D. 1,2,3 & 4

3. Why is the Sun important to the Earth?

1.It provides light energy to green plants to make their own food.

2. It provides heat that enables living things to survive on Earth.

3. It rotates around the Earth to give us seasons.

A. 1 & 2 only
B. 1 & 3 only
C. 2 & 3 only
D. 1, 2& 3

4. Select the correct Option which on unscrambling gives the name of an animal that gnaws their food.


5. Select the INCORRECT statement.

A. Blue whale is bigger than the largest dinosaur lived on the Earth.
B. A baby whale is called a cub.
C. A mother whale feeds milk to its baby under the water
D. A large whale can eat 1.5 tones of food everyday.

6. I am known as the helicopter of the bird world. I am the only bird that can also fly backward. Who am I?

A. Tailor bird
B. Humming bird
C. Weaver bird
D. Swallow

7. Select the INCORRECT option.

A. Digestive system    –    Large intestine
B. Circulatory system – Heart
C. Skeleton system – Skull
D. Nervous system – Nostril

8. Sonika who lives in India has to invite her friend, who lives in London for her wedding. For sending invitation to her, Sonika may use

(i) E-mail                (ii) Newspaper    (iii) Radio          (iv) Telephone  

A.(i) only
B. (i) & (ii) only
C. (iii) only 
D. (i) & (iv) only      

9. Which of the following statements are corrects?

1. Talons help vultures to pick up small animals like rats.

2. Cranes walks through water with the help of webbed feet.

3. Crows and sparrow are perching birds .

A. 1 & 2 only
B. 2 & 3 only
C. 1 & 3 only
D. 1, 2 & 3

10. Meetu was asked to label the parts of a plant? She labelled them as shown in the figure. Select the correct statement regarding the labelled parts.

A. Stem was labelled correctly while root was incorrectly labelled .
B. Both bud and root were correctly labelled. 
C. Leaf was labelled incorrectly.
D. Both fruit and flower were labelled incorrectly.

11. The given figure show four different fruits. Which of the following plant will not reproduce by seeds?


12. Which among the following organs absorbs the oxygen from the air we breathe in?

13. Study the given flow chart carefully. Where would be nylon and wool be placed?

              Nylon                        Wool

A.               P                                 Q

B.               Q                                 P

C.               R                                  S

D.               P                                  R


14. Which of these beaks help the bird to crush grains and seeds?

15. Which one of these is considered as an energy-giving food?


















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Science Olympiad Level 2 For Class 5 Thu, 07 Dec 2023 07:27:30 +0000 Achiever Section provides the practice papers for the National Science Olympiad Level 2  (NSO) for Class 5 in this article. There are 15 important Science Olympiad questions level 2 for class 5 covered in this article. Throughout this practice paper, you will encounter a variety of questions. Answer Key level 2 practice paper 1. How […]

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Achiever Section provides the practice papers for the National Science Olympiad Level 2  (NSO) for Class 5 in this article.

There are 15 important Science Olympiad questions level 2 for class 5 covered in this article. Throughout this practice paper, you will encounter a variety of questions.


level 2 practice paper

1. How can toxic chemicals in the soil harm you?

A. They purify ground water in the soil
B. They change the weather
C. They are absorbed by food grown in the soil
D. They cause more air pollution

2. Why is wind valuable to plants?

A. It helps in photosynthesis
B. It provides more sunlight
C. It brings rain
D. It helps disperse seeds

3. Which group of things contains all three states of matter?

A. Apple juice, milk, air
B. Orange, steam, soup
C. Hot coffee, water, snow
D. Eraser, book, oxygen

4. A man is not able to lift his hand. Which type of joint is not working properly in his body?

A. Hinge joint
B. Pivot joint
C. Gliding joint
D. Ball and socket joint

5. A carpenter had a mixture of small iron nails and sawdust.

Which is the easiest way to separate iron nails from sawdust?

A. Use a magnifying glass
B. Use a magnet
C. Freeze the mixture
D. Heat the mixture

6. Which of the following is true for the molecules of gases?

A. They have fixed volume
B. They have fixed shape
C. They can move around freely
D. They can not move freely

7. Which of the following is not a good cooking practice?

A. Washing vegetables after peeling and cutting
B. Washing vegetables before peeling and cutting
C. Over cooking the food
D. Both (a) and (c)

8. When iodine is added to a starch solution, the color is changed to:

A. Reddish brown
B. Blue black
D. Yellow
D. Green 

9. WBC of our blood release ____ to increase body temperature.

A. Pyrogen
B. Antipyretic
C. Paracetamol
D. All of the above

10. Minerals, coal and petroleum are

A. Synthetic material
B. Manmade resources
C. Ground natural resources
D. Underground natural resources

11. Fossils fuel formed over a long period of time because heat & pressure were applied to _____.

A. Carbon filtered through limestone
B. Bacteria on top of the mud
C. Organisms buried in the ground
D. Nitrogen mixed in the water

12. A substance formed by the chemical combination known as?

A. Compound 
B. Mixture 
C. Element 
D. Sublimate 

13. The equator is considered to be:

A. Longitudinal line
B. A horizontal line
C. A vertical line
D. Latitude 

14. The sun’s rays fall directly on:

A. South pole
B. North pole
C. Equator 
D. Tropic of cancer

15. The axis of rotation of the earth is:

A. Tilted 
B. Vertical
C. Horizontal
D. Both a & b



















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Science Olympiad level 2 for class 3 Tue, 05 Dec 2023 10:28:02 +0000 Achiever Section provides the practice papers for the National Science Olympiad (NSO) for Class 3 in this article. There are 15 important Science Olympiad questions for class 3 covered in this article. Throughout this practice paper, you will encounter a variety of questions. Answer Key Level 2 practice paper 1. Which of these houses is […]

The post Science Olympiad level 2 for class 3 appeared first on Achievers Section.


Achiever Section provides the practice papers for the National Science Olympiad (NSO) for Class 3 in this article.

There are 15 important Science Olympiad questions for class 3 covered in this article. Throughout this practice paper, you will encounter a variety of questions.

Science Olympiad level 2 class 3

Level 2 practice paper

1. Which of these houses is made up of canvas cloth?

A. Tent
B. Houseboat
C. Igloo
D. Bungalow

2. The bird that lays its eggs in the nest of a crow is ______.

A. parrot
B. woodpecker
C. pigeon
D. cuckoo

3. What does soil give to plants?

A. Nutrients and water
B. Seeds
C. Air
D. chlorophyll

4. Which part of the plant is called its food factory?

A. Fruits
B. Seeds
C. Flowers
D. Leaves

5. What does air contain?

A. water vapour
B. smoke
C. dust & germs
D. all of these

6. Water droplets that are too heavy to float make _____.

A. fog
B. clouds
C. rain
D. smoke

7. What force can do?

A. Move an object
B. Change the direction of moving object
C. Stop a moving object
D. All of these

8. Which of the following is the biggest unit of time?

A. second
B. hour
C. minute
D. all of these

9. Which one is a non-renewable source of energy?

A. wind
B. sun
C. water
D. coal

10. A teacher needs to show  her students that the soil contains air. which of the following should she do?

A. Observe the soil under a microscope
B. Pour some water into a beaker containing soil
C. Heat some soil in a pan over stove
D. None of the above

11. ______an be used to make handles for a cooking pot.

A. iron
B. wood
C. gold
D. steel

12. Which of the following plants has a tap root?

A. rice
B. wheat
C. mustard
D. none of the above

13. ___ helps pump blood through the entire body.

A. Heart
B. Kidneys
C. Lungs
D. Brain

14. Which system of the body controls the senses?

A. Circulatory system
B. Digestive system
C. Nervous system
D. Skeleton system

15. When we see more than half of the moon, it is called ___.

A. New 
B. Full 
C. Crescent 
D. Gibbous 


















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Science Olympiad preparation for Class 1 Sun, 15 Oct 2023 09:30:24 +0000 The Achiever Section provides the practice papers for the National Science Olympiad (NSO) for Class 1 in this article. There are 30 important Science Olympiad questions for class 1  covered in this article. Throughout this practice paper, you will encounter a variety of questions. Answer Key practice papers for class 1 1. The person in […]

The post Science Olympiad preparation for Class 1 appeared first on Achievers Section.


The Achiever Section provides the practice papers for the National Science Olympiad (NSO) for Class 1 in this article.

There are 30 important Science Olympiad questions for class 1  covered in this article. Throughout this practice paper, you will encounter a variety of questions.

practice papers for class 1

1. The person in the given figure is a/an

(a) doctor
(b) astronaut
(c) diver
(d) judge

2. Look at the pictures of flowers given below and identify the similarity between them:


(a)  They bloom in the day and close at night.
(b) They bloom only at night.
(c) They can be identified by their strong smell.
(d) They bloom in the same months.


3. Look at the picture of the food item given below and identify the main nutrient present in them:


(a) Proteins
(b) Vitamin
(c) Fats
(d) Carbohydrates


4. Identify the fibre and the clothing best suited for the season depicted in the following image:


(a) Plastic – Raincoats
(b) Wool – Pullover Sweater
(c) Silk – Sari
(d) Cotton – Shirt


5. The picture shown below is that of a desert region. Which of the following best describes its climate?


(a) Hot and humid
(b) Hot and dry
(c) Hot and wet
(d) Dry and humid


6. What is INCORRECT regarding the mode of transport shown in the picture below?


(a) It is a mode of land transport.
(b) It helps to put out fire
(c) It is a vehicle designed primarily for firefighting operations.
(d) It helps to carry a sick person from home to the hospital or vice versa.


7. Look at the picture given below:

A glass was taken and put on a burning candle after which it went off. Which of the following property of air can be inferred from the experiment?.


(a) Air exerts pressure
(b) Air expands on heating
(c) Air has weight
(d) Air helps in burning


8.Which of the following we should preferably wear for the weather shown in the picture below?


(a) Woollen socks
(b) Cotton dress
(c) Raincoat
(d) Leather jacket


9.Identify the picture:


(a) Sun
(b) Star
(c) Rainbow
(d) Earth


10. Arrange these objects from “cold to coldest”.


(a) A, B, C
(b) B, A, C 
(c) B, C, A
(d) C, B, A


11.Plants that grow and spread along the ground are called:

(a) trees
(b) creepers
(c) herbs
(d) shrubs


12. These have hard stems.

(a) trees
(b) climbers
(c) herbs
(d) shrubs


13. Which animals live on trees?

(a) monkeys
(b) birds
(c) squirrels
(d) all of these


14. Which animals are known as wild animals?

(a) horse, goat, parrot
(b) cow, dog, cat
(c) elephant, lion, zebra
(d) none of them


15.___________ are hard and give shape to the body.

(a) skin
(b) muscles
(c) bones
(d) none of them


16. The point where two bones meet is called a_________.

(a) skin
(b) muscles
(c) bones
(d) joint


17. Exercise makes the muscles ___________.

(a) fit
(b) sick
(c) weak
(d) all of them


18. Energy-giving food are________.

(a) bread
(b) rice
(c) potato
(d) all of them


19. Which of the following is dangerous to play with?

(a) ball
(b) knife
(c) doll
(d) both (a) and (c)


20. How many colours are there in the traffic light

(a) three
(b) two
(c) one
(d) four


21. Which of the following does not need air?

(a) animals
(b) plants
(c) television
(d) human beings


22. Earth is also called _____ planet

(a) white
(b) yellow
(c) red
(d) blue


23. We should play & exercise _____.

(a) every day
(b) One day
(c) Once a week
(d) Once a month


24. What do we get from the sun?

(a) air
(b) water
(c) Heat & light
(d) Only light


25. House on wheels are called

(a) house boat
(b) igloo
(c) stilt house
(d) caravans


26. People who do not wear uniform

(a) policeman
(b) doctor
(c) vegetable seller
(d) pilot


27. What do we use to protect ourselves from the sun’s rays?

(a) sunglasses
(b) hats
(c) umbrellas
(d) all of these


28.We should drink 8-10 glasses of ________

(a) cold drinks
(b) juice
(c) water
(d) milk


29. We should avoid to eat

(a) burgers
(b) vegetables
(c) fruits
(d) pulses


30. Mountain and cloud is a ________

(a) natural things
(b) man- made thing
(c) living thing
(d) none of these



































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Science Olympiad For Class 8 Mon, 09 Oct 2023 11:16:02 +0000 Achiever Section provides the practice papers for the National Science Olympiad (NSO) for Class 8 in this article. There are 15 important Science Olympiad for class 8 questions covered in this article. Throughout this practice paper, you will encounter a variety of questions covering different branches of science, including biology, chemistry, physics, and Earth sciences. […]

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Achiever Section provides the practice papers for the National Science Olympiad (NSO) for Class 8 in this article.

There are 15 important Science Olympiad for class 8 questions covered in this article. Throughout this practice paper, you will encounter a variety of questions covering different branches of science, including biology, chemistry, physics, and Earth sciences.

practice paper for class 8

1. Which of the following produces least friction?

(a) Sliding friction
(b) Rolling friction
(c) Composite friction
(d) Static friction

2. The voice box is also called as

(a) stomach
(b) heart
(c) larynx
(d) mouth

3. Pitch of sound is determined by its

(a) frequency
(b) speed
(c) amplitude
(d) loudness

4. Which of the following is a bad conductor of electricity?

(a) Silver nitrate
(b) Sulphuric acid
(c) Distilled water
(d) Copper sulphate

5. Which of the following is a good conductor?

(a) Cotton
(b) Plastic
(c) Brick
(d) Steel

6. The process of loosening of the soil is called

(a) harvesting
(b) tilling
(c) spraying
(d) weeding

7. The chemical substances rich in nutrients are called

(a) pesticides
(b) weedicide
(c) fertiliser
(d) herbicides

8. The soil matter formed by decayed organic matter is called

(a) humus
(b) fertilizer
(c) biocide
(d) pesticide

9. What is the other name for artificial silk?

(a) Nylon
(b) Acrylic
(c) Polyester
(d) Rayon

10. Petroleum is mainly a mixture of which one of the following class?

(a) Carbohydrates
(b) Carbogens
(c) Hydrocarbons
(d) Alcohols

11. Which one of the following is a petrochemical?

(a) Ammonia
(b) Paraffin wax
(c) Coke
(d) Acetone

12. Which one of the following gases is used in combustion?

(a) Oxygen
(b) Nitrogen
(c) Carbon dioxide
(d) Hydrogen

13. Which zone represents the partial combustion in candle flame?

(a) Outer zone
(b) Inner zone
(c) Lower zone
(d) Middle zone

14. Materials having qualities of both metals and non-metals are

(a) noble metals
(b) alloys
(c) metalloids
(d) none of these

15. The cell formed after fertilisation is called

(a) embryo
(b) zygote
(c) foetus
(d) egg


















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