Class 3 Archives - Achievers Section Keep Learning Fri, 14 Jun 2024 17:55:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Class 3 Archives - Achievers Section 32 32 Science Olympiad Class 3, Level 2 Fri, 15 Dec 2023 09:07:00 +0000 Achiever Section provides the practice papers for the National Science Olympiad (NSO) for Class 3, level 2 in this article. There are 15 important Science Olympiad class 3 level 2 questions covered in this article. Throughout this practice paper, you will encounter a variety of questions. Answer Key Level 2 practice paper 1. Which of […]

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Achiever Section provides the practice papers for the National Science Olympiad (NSO) for Class 3, level 2 in this article.

There are 15 important Science Olympiad class 3 level 2 questions covered in this article. Throughout this practice paper, you will encounter a variety of questions.

Level 2 practice paper

1. Which of the following plants have very thin and weak stems, and requires support to grow?

A. Coriander                                  
B. Money plant
C. Potato
D. Beetroot

2. Which of the following measures would help to check the spread of diseases like malaria and dengue?

1.Drains carrying dirty water should be covered.

2. House should have proper ventilation and a courtyard.

3. Mosquito repellents should be used.

4. Doors and windows should be fitted with wire – netting.

A. 1 & 3 only
B. 2 & 3 only
C. 1,3 & 4 only
D. 1,2,3 & 4

3. Why is the Sun important to the Earth?

1.It provides light energy to green plants to make their own food.

2. It provides heat that enables living things to survive on Earth.

3. It rotates around the Earth to give us seasons.

A. 1 & 2 only
B. 1 & 3 only
C. 2 & 3 only
D. 1, 2& 3

4. Select the correct Option which on unscrambling gives the name of an animal that gnaws their food.


5. Select the INCORRECT statement.

A. Blue whale is bigger than the largest dinosaur lived on the Earth.
B. A baby whale is called a cub.
C. A mother whale feeds milk to its baby under the water
D. A large whale can eat 1.5 tones of food everyday.

6. I am known as the helicopter of the bird world. I am the only bird that can also fly backward. Who am I?

A. Tailor bird
B. Humming bird
C. Weaver bird
D. Swallow

7. Select the INCORRECT option.

A. Digestive system    –    Large intestine
B. Circulatory system – Heart
C. Skeleton system – Skull
D. Nervous system – Nostril

8. Sonika who lives in India has to invite her friend, who lives in London for her wedding. For sending invitation to her, Sonika may use

(i) E-mail                (ii) Newspaper    (iii) Radio          (iv) Telephone  

A.(i) only
B. (i) & (ii) only
C. (iii) only 
D. (i) & (iv) only      

9. Which of the following statements are corrects?

1. Talons help vultures to pick up small animals like rats.

2. Cranes walks through water with the help of webbed feet.

3. Crows and sparrow are perching birds .

A. 1 & 2 only
B. 2 & 3 only
C. 1 & 3 only
D. 1, 2 & 3

10. Meetu was asked to label the parts of a plant? She labelled them as shown in the figure. Select the correct statement regarding the labelled parts.

A. Stem was labelled correctly while root was incorrectly labelled .
B. Both bud and root were correctly labelled. 
C. Leaf was labelled incorrectly.
D. Both fruit and flower were labelled incorrectly.

11. The given figure show four different fruits. Which of the following plant will not reproduce by seeds?


12. Which among the following organs absorbs the oxygen from the air we breathe in?

13. Study the given flow chart carefully. Where would be nylon and wool be placed?

              Nylon                        Wool

A.               P                                 Q

B.               Q                                 P

C.               R                                  S

D.               P                                  R


14. Which of these beaks help the bird to crush grains and seeds?

15. Which one of these is considered as an energy-giving food?


















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Science Olympiad level 2 for class 3 Tue, 05 Dec 2023 10:28:02 +0000 Achiever Section provides the practice papers for the National Science Olympiad (NSO) for Class 3 in this article. There are 15 important Science Olympiad questions for class 3 covered in this article. Throughout this practice paper, you will encounter a variety of questions. Answer Key Level 2 practice paper 1. Which of these houses is […]

The post Science Olympiad level 2 for class 3 appeared first on Achievers Section.


Achiever Section provides the practice papers for the National Science Olympiad (NSO) for Class 3 in this article.

There are 15 important Science Olympiad questions for class 3 covered in this article. Throughout this practice paper, you will encounter a variety of questions.

Science Olympiad level 2 class 3

Level 2 practice paper

1. Which of these houses is made up of canvas cloth?

A. Tent
B. Houseboat
C. Igloo
D. Bungalow

2. The bird that lays its eggs in the nest of a crow is ______.

A. parrot
B. woodpecker
C. pigeon
D. cuckoo

3. What does soil give to plants?

A. Nutrients and water
B. Seeds
C. Air
D. chlorophyll

4. Which part of the plant is called its food factory?

A. Fruits
B. Seeds
C. Flowers
D. Leaves

5. What does air contain?

A. water vapour
B. smoke
C. dust & germs
D. all of these

6. Water droplets that are too heavy to float make _____.

A. fog
B. clouds
C. rain
D. smoke

7. What force can do?

A. Move an object
B. Change the direction of moving object
C. Stop a moving object
D. All of these

8. Which of the following is the biggest unit of time?

A. second
B. hour
C. minute
D. all of these

9. Which one is a non-renewable source of energy?

A. wind
B. sun
C. water
D. coal

10. A teacher needs to show  her students that the soil contains air. which of the following should she do?

A. Observe the soil under a microscope
B. Pour some water into a beaker containing soil
C. Heat some soil in a pan over stove
D. None of the above

11. ______an be used to make handles for a cooking pot.

A. iron
B. wood
C. gold
D. steel

12. Which of the following plants has a tap root?

A. rice
B. wheat
C. mustard
D. none of the above

13. ___ helps pump blood through the entire body.

A. Heart
B. Kidneys
C. Lungs
D. Brain

14. Which system of the body controls the senses?

A. Circulatory system
B. Digestive system
C. Nervous system
D. Skeleton system

15. When we see more than half of the moon, it is called ___.

A. New 
B. Full 
C. Crescent 
D. Gibbous 


















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